Escape to an extraordinary future in the cosmos with a young Earthling named Emi and her friends from all over the galaxy. In this Immersive Novel, Emi sets out to fulfill her dreams of attending a space academy called IGIST (Intergalactic Institute of Science and Technology) and saving the people of Earth from a monstrous plague.
Stunning Visuals
• Photorealistic illustrations bring the IGIST universe to life
• Cinematic animations of compelling scenes pop off the page
Cool Character Packs
• Unlock behind-the-scenes concept art and character backstories
• Watch author interviews about your favorite IGIST characters
Fun Camera Effects
• Take a hologram selfie to match your favorite scout
• Add misfits, wardens, and other IGIST characters to your photos
Amazing Rewards
• Collect badges and coins to uncover bonus content as you read
• Invite your friends to join the IGIST community and earn rewards
Stellar Gameplay
• Collect badges and coins to uncover bonus content as you read
• Invite your friends to join the IGIST community and earn rewards
What’s Next
• Turn black-and-white illustrations from IGIST paperbacks into color
• Play animations over IGIST artwork on shirts and stickers
• Interact with the IGIST space station, Emi’s drone pal, Sadee, and the Martians’ epic vaulting spider